Spiking Neuron Network Simulator
Simulation and training of spiking neuron networks, primarily theta neurons
Add Visualization and Web Interface (e.g. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5603/QuickGraph-A-100-C-graph-library-with-Graphviz-Sup)
Add Implementations for Training Algorithms RProp and QuickProp
Add Tests for rerun training after a reset and verfiy results are the same
Add Tests for Two consequtive trainings with different learning rates. This test will involve making TrainingParameters tracked per epoch interval and specifying the max number of epochs to train for (Cumulative) and the stopping criteria in the input
Add a Cosine type test
Add parallel computations where possible
Add constructors for multiple types of neurons in SpikingNeuronNetwork
Add neuron implementations for:
* QIF - http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/10/35/00/PDF/eventdrivenQIF.pdf
* LIF - http://icwww.epfl.ch/~gerstner/SPNM/node26.html
* Izhikevich - http://www.abrg.group.shef.ac.uk/!DATA/attachment/0085.Humphries_simple_model_solutions_preprint.pdf, http://www.abrg.group.shef.ac.uk/code/othercode/simple_model_solutions_code.zip and http://faculty.washington.edu/shlizee/publications/rqif-det.pdf
* Fitz-Hugh Nagumo - http://eqworld.ipmnet.ru/en/solutions/npde/npde1103.pdf
Add Exponential synaptic current, see QIF ref, Bessel Functions
Add 2D models that can be solved analytically, perhaps is possible with dirac synaptic currents