Home > TNNT_1_07 > @theta_neuron_network > display.m



DISPLAY displays a theta neuron network object


function display(ThNN)


DISPLAY displays a theta neuron network object

This function is called anytime a theta neuron network object is
referenced without a terminating semi-colon. Theta neuron network fields
are displayed in a readable manner.


Input Parameters:
o ThNN: A theta neuron network.

Output Parameters:
o None

>> ThNN1=theta_neuron_network

>> ThNN2=theta_neuron_network('InitialDelayMethod',{'RandomUniform', 0 2})

See also theta_neuron_network


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function display(ThNN)
0002 %DISPLAY displays a theta neuron network object
0003 %
0004 %Description:
0005 %This function is called anytime a theta neuron network object is
0006 %referenced without a terminating semi-colon. Theta neuron network fields
0007 %are displayed in a readable manner.
0008 %
0009 %Syntax:
0010 %DISPLAY(ThNN);
0011 %
0012 %Input Parameters:
0013 %o ThNN: A theta neuron network.
0014 %
0015 %Output Parameters:
0016 %o None
0017 %
0018 %Examples:
0019 %>> ThNN1=theta_neuron_network
0020 %
0021 %>> ThNN2=theta_neuron_network('InitialDelayMethod',{'RandomUniform', 0 2})
0022 %
0023 %See also theta_neuron_network
0025 %Copyright (C) 2008 Sam McKennoch <Samuel.McKennoch@loria.fr>
0028 f=fields(ThNN);
0029 disp(' ');
0030 disp(['The Following Fields are Defined for ', inputname(1), ':']);
0031 disp(' ');
0032 for j=1:length(f)
0033     if max(strcmp(f{j},{'Weights','Delays','Neurons'}))
0034         disp(['   ']);
0035         if strcmp(f{j},'Delays') && max(max(ThNN.(f{j})))==0
0036             disp(['   ', f{j}, ' are not in use.']);
0037             disp(' ');
0038         else
0039             disp(['   ', f{j}, ' = ']);
0040             if ischar(ThNN.(f{j}))
0041                 disp(['      ' ThNN.(f{j})]);
0042             else
0043                 disp(ThNN.(f{j}));
0044             end
0045         end
0046     elseif strcmp(f{j},'SimulationMethod')
0047         disp(['   ', f{j}, ' = ' ThNN.(f{j})]);
0048     elseif strcmp(f{j},'NIPS2007Gradient')
0049         disp(['   ', f{j}, ' = ' num2str(ThNN.(f{j}))]);
0050     elseif strcmp(f{j},'TimeStep')
0051         disp(['   ', f{j}, ' = ' num2str(ThNN.(f{j}))]);
0052     elseif strcmp(f{j},'ReferenceTime')
0053         if (ThNN.(f{j}))>0
0054             disp(['   ', f{j}, ' = ' num2str(ThNN.(f{j}))]);
0055         else
0056             disp('   No reference input neuron is in use');
0057         end
0058     elseif strcmp(f{j},'InputNeurons')
0059         disp('   Structural Details (call update_structure to update):');
0060         if ~isempty(ThNN.(f{j}))
0061             disp(['      Input Neuron Indices = ' num2str(ThNN.(f{j})')]);
0062         else
0063             disp('      There are no input neurons');
0064         end
0065     elseif strcmp(f{j},'OutputNeurons')
0066         if ~isempty(ThNN.(f{j}))
0067             disp(['      Output Neuron Indices = ' num2str(ThNN.(f{j})')]);
0068         else
0069             disp('      There are no output neurons');
0070         end
0071     elseif strcmp(f{j},'RecursionFlag')
0072         if (ThNN.(f{j})~=0)
0073             disp('      There is one or more recursive loops');
0074         else
0075             disp('      There are no recursive loops');
0076             disp('      The fixed order of execution of neuron indices is:');
0077             disp(['         ' num2str(ThNN.NeuronQueue')]);
0078         end
0079     end
0080 end
0081 disp(' ');

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