< Master index Index for TNNT_1_07/@theta_neuron_network >

Index for TNNT_1_07/@theta_neuron_network

Matlab files in this directory:

 apply_gradientAPPLY_GRADIENT applies gradient-based changes to network weights and delays
 calculate_gradientCALCULATE_GRADIENT returns array that relates spiking and synaptic indices
 displayDISPLAY displays a theta neuron network object
 display_resultsDISPLAY_RESULTS displays the desired and actual spike times
 get_errorGET_ERROR calculates the sum of squared error in output spike times
 get_input_neuronsGET_INPUT_NEURONS returns array of input neuron indices
 get_output_neuronsGET_OUTPUT_NEURONS returns array of output neuron indices
 numerical_gradientNUMERICAL_GRADIENT calculates part of the numerical gradient
 relate_q_to_kRELATE_Q_TO_K relates spiking and synaptic indices
 run_networkRUN_NETWORK calculates the firing behavior of a network of theta neuron
 run_networked_neuronRUN_NETWORKED_NEURON calculates the firing behavior of a single theta neuron
 subsasgnSUBSASGN allows theta neuron object fields to be subscript assigned
 subsrefSUBSREF allows theta neuron network object fields to be subscript referenced
 theta_neuron_networkTHETA_NEURON_NETWORK constructs a theta neuron network object
 trainTRAIN trains a theta neuron network given spike time inputs
 train_datasetTRAIN_DATA trains a theta neuron network given dataset information
 train_epochTRAIN_EPOCH trains a theta neuron network for a single epoch
 update_structureUPDATE_STRUCTURE calculates static network properties
 verboseNo help needed!

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