< Master index Index for TNNT_1_07/FrontEnd >

Index for TNNT_1_07/FrontEnd

Matlab files in this directory:

 ThNN_GUITHNN_GUI creates a GUI for training theta neuron networks
 code_dataCODE_DATA transforms between input data and formatted spike times
 enable_network_parametersENABLE_NETWORK_PARAMETERS enables or disables the GUI network parameters
 get_networkGET_NETWORK creates a Theta Neuron Network from GUI parameters
 get_training_paramsGET_TRAINING_PARAMS returns a structure with training specific information
 gradient_testerGRADIENT_TESTER creates a GUI for testing the gradient
 plot_extraPLOT_EXTRA plots data on the GUI specific to the dataset type
 plot_rmsePLOT_RMSE plots RMSE data on the GUI
 set_io_dataSET_IO_DATA sets GUI parameters that change with dataset choices
 set_paramsSET_PARAMS sets the parameters on to the GUI

Dependency Graph

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