Spiking Neuron Network Simulator  1.0
Simulation and training of spiking neuron networks, primarily theta neurons
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1 namespace SpikingNeuronNetwork.Lib
2 {
3  using System;
4  using System.Collections;
5  using System.Collections.Generic;
6  using System.Linq;
11  public class SpikePriorityQueue : ICollection<Spike>
12  {
16  private readonly SortedDictionary<double, Queue<int>> _baseQueue;
24  public static SpikePriorityQueue CreateSpikeQueue(IEnumerable<Spike> inputSpikes, double currentTime)
25  {
26  var inputSpikeTimesList = inputSpikes.ToList();
27  var spikeQueue = new SpikePriorityQueue(inputSpikeTimesList);
28  if (spikeQueue.Count == 0)
29  {
30  return spikeQueue;
31  }
33  // Protect against non-causality
34  while (currentTime > spikeQueue.PeekTime())
35  {
36  spikeQueue.Dequeue();
37  }
39  return spikeQueue;
40  }
47  public SpikePriorityQueue(IEnumerable<Spike> inputSpikes)
48  : this()
49  {
50  foreach (var inputSpike in inputSpikes)
51  {
52  Add(inputSpike);
53  }
54  }
60  {
61  _baseQueue = new SortedDictionary<double, Queue<int>>();
62  }
64  #region Priority queue operations
69  public void Enqueue(Spike inputSpike)
70  {
71  if (_baseQueue.ContainsKey(inputSpike.Time))
72  {
73  _baseQueue[inputSpike.Time].Enqueue(inputSpike.NeuronIndex);
74  }
75  else
76  {
77  _baseQueue.Add(inputSpike.Time, new Queue<int>(new[] {inputSpike.NeuronIndex}));
78  }
79  }
88  public Spike Dequeue()
89  {
90  if (!IsEmpty)
91  {
92  var result = Peek();
93  Remove(result);
94  return result;
95  }
96  throw new InvalidOperationException("Priority queue is empty");
97  }
106  public int DequeueValue()
107  {
108  return Dequeue().NeuronIndex;
109  }
118  public Spike Peek()
119  {
120  if (!IsEmpty)
121  {
122  var first = _baseQueue.First();
123  return new Spike { Time = first.Key, NeuronIndex = first.Value.Peek()};
124  }
125  throw new InvalidOperationException("Priority queue is empty");
126  }
135  public double PeekTime()
136  {
137  return Peek().Time;
138  }
143  public bool IsEmpty
144  {
145  get { return _baseQueue.Count == 0; }
146  }
154  public bool Update(Spike oldSpike, double newFiringTime)
155  {
156  if (!Remove(oldSpike))
157  return false;
158  if (!Double.IsInfinity(newFiringTime))
159  {
160  Add(new Spike { Time = newFiringTime, NeuronIndex = oldSpike.NeuronIndex });
161  }
162  return true;
163  }
169  public void AddRange(ICollection<Spike> spikes)
170  {
171  foreach (var spike in spikes)
172  {
173  Add(spike);
174  }
175  }
177  #endregion
179  #region ICollection<Spike> implementation
185  public void Add(Spike spike)
186  {
187  Enqueue(spike);
188  }
193  public void Clear()
194  {
195  _baseQueue.Clear();
196  }
203  public bool Contains(Spike spike)
204  {
205  if (!_baseQueue.ContainsKey(spike.Time))
206  {
207  return false;
208  }
209  return _baseQueue[spike.Time].Contains(spike.NeuronIndex);
210  }
215  public int Count
216  {
217  get { return _baseQueue.Sum(x => x.Value.Count); }
218  }
228  public void CopyTo(Spike[] array, int arrayIndex)
229  {
230  var arrayList = new List<Spike>();
231  foreach (var kvp in _baseQueue)
232  {
233  var queueList = kvp.Value.ToList();
234  arrayList.AddRange(queueList.Select(item => new Spike { Time = kvp.Key, NeuronIndex = item}));
235  }
236  arrayList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
237  }
245  public bool IsReadOnly
246  {
247  get { return false; }
248  }
256  public bool Remove(Spike spike)
257  {
258  // find element in the collection and remove it
259  if (!_baseQueue.ContainsKey(spike.Time))
260  {
261  return false;
262  }
263  if (_baseQueue[spike.Time].Count == 1)
264  {
265  _baseQueue.Remove(spike.Time);
266  return true;
267  }
268  // This is expensive, should be avoided
269  var queueList = _baseQueue[spike.Time].ToList();
270  queueList.Remove(spike.NeuronIndex);
271  _baseQueue[spike.Time] = new Queue<int>(queueList);
272  return true;
273  }
281  public IEnumerator<Spike> GetEnumerator()
282  {
283  return (from kvp in _baseQueue
284  from item in kvp.Value.ToList()
285  select new Spike{ Time = kvp.Key, NeuronIndex = item}).GetEnumerator();
286  }
294  IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
295  {
296  return GetEnumerator();
297  }
299  #endregion
300  }
301 }
int DequeueValue()
Dequeues spike with next firing time and returns its index
Initializes a new instance of the spike priority queue
Spike Peek()
Returns the spike with next firing time, without removing it from the queue
static SpikePriorityQueue CreateSpikeQueue(IEnumerable< Spike > inputSpikes, double currentTime)
Creates a new spike priority queue
void Enqueue(Spike inputSpike)
Enqueues spike into the priority queue
double Time
Gets or sets the time.
Definition: Spike.cs:30
void Add(Spike spike)
Enqueus spike into priority queue
bool Update(Spike oldSpike, double newFiringTime)
Updates a spike in the queue with a new firing time
bool Contains(Spike spike)
Determines whether the priority queue contains a specific spike
void AddRange(ICollection< Spike > spikes)
Adds a range of spikes to the priority queue
Spike Priority Queue used for determining what spike to process next based on spike timing ...
SpikePriorityQueue(IEnumerable< Spike > inputSpikes)
Initializes a new instance of priority queue with specified input spikes
Spike Dequeue()
Dequeues spike with next firing time and returns the spike/>
void CopyTo(Spike[] array, int arrayIndex)
Copies the spikes of the priority queue to an Array, starting at a particular Array index...
IEnumerator< Spike > GetEnumerator()
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
double PeekTime()
Returns the next firing time of a spike, without removing the spike from the queue ...
bool Remove(Spike spike)
Removes the first occurrence of a specific spike from the priority queue.