Spiking Neuron Network Simulator  1.0
Simulation and training of spiking neuron networks, primarily theta neurons
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1 namespace SpikingNeuronNetwork.Lib
2 {
3  using System;
4  using System.Text;
9  public class SpikeStats : IComparable
10  {
14  public NeuronState PreSpikeState { get; set; }
19  public NeuronState PostSpikeState { get; set; }
24  public double Weight { get; set; }
29  public Synapse Synapse { get; set; }
37  public override string ToString()
38  {
39  var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
40  stringBuilder.AppendLine("---> Spike Time: " + Synapse + " at " + PreSpikeState.Time);
41  stringBuilder.AppendLine("--->Pre -Spike Phase: " + PreSpikeState.StateVariable);
42  stringBuilder.AppendLine("--->Post-Spike Phase: " + PostSpikeState.StateVariable);
43  stringBuilder.Append("--->Weight: " + Weight);
44  return stringBuilder.ToString();
45  }
55  public int CompareTo(object obj)
56  {
57  if (obj == null) return 1;
59  var otherSpikeStats = obj as SpikeStats;
60  if (otherSpikeStats != null)
61  return PreSpikeState.Time.CompareTo(otherSpikeStats.PreSpikeState.Time);
62  throw new ArgumentException("Object is not a SpikeStats");
63  }
64  }
65 }
override string ToString()
Returns a System.String that represents this instance.
Definition: SpikeStats.cs:37
The spike statistics class
Definition: SpikeStats.cs:9
int CompareTo(object obj)
Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indica...
Definition: SpikeStats.cs:55