Spiking Neuron Network Simulator  1.0
Simulation and training of spiking neuron networks, primarily theta neurons
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1 namespace SpikingNeuronNetwork.Lib.NeuronModels
2 {
3  using Interfaces;
4  using System;
5  using System.Collections.Generic;
6  using Training;
11  public class QifNeuron : SpikingNeuron
12  {
16  public override double PostSpikeState
17  {
18  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
19  }
24  public override double InitialState
25  {
26  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
27  }
32  public override double RemainingTimeToSpike
33  {
34  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
35  }
41  public override ISpikingNeuron Clone()
42  {
43  throw new NotImplementedException();
44  }
53  public override List<Spike> RunThetaNeuron(List<Spike> inputSpikes, int maxNumOutputSpikes = MaxNumOutputSpikes)
54  {
55  throw new NotImplementedException();
56  }
63  public override IEnumerable<Spike> UpdateStateVariableOnSpike(double weight)
64  {
65  throw new NotImplementedException();
66  }
73  public override IEnumerable<Spike> AdvanceNeuronState(double newTime)
74  {
75  throw new NotImplementedException();
76  }
84  public override List<double> CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
85  {
86  throw new NotImplementedException();
87  }
95  public override Dictionary<Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters> CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
96  {
97  throw new NotImplementedException();
98  }
105  public override double StateDerivative(double stateVariable)
106  {
107  throw new NotImplementedException();
108  }
113  public override double MaxNumericalIntegrationIterations
114  {
115  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
116  }
121  public override OperatingRegion OperatingRegion
122  {
123  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
124  }
129  public override double SpikeThreshold
130  {
131  get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
132  }
133  }
134 }
Operating Region Enum
override ISpikingNeuron Clone()
Clones a neuron by removing network association
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:41
Quadratic Integrate and Fire Spiking Neuron Class
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:11
override IEnumerable< Spike > UpdateStateVariableOnSpike(double weight)
Updates the neuron's state variable, given a spike is currently being received on a synapse with weig...
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:63
override List< Spike > RunThetaNeuron(List< Spike > inputSpikes, int maxNumOutputSpikes=MaxNumOutputSpikes)
Runs the theta neuron, advancing the state and producing up to maxNumOutputSpikes output spikes in re...
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:53
override Dictionary< Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters > CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Output Spike Derivatives, that is the derivate of the output spike time relative to both t...
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:95
Spiking Neuron Abstract Class, Inherits From ISpikingNeuron
override double StateDerivative(double stateVariable)
Calculate the state derivative as a function of the state variable
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:105
override List< double > CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Post Spike Derivatives, that is the derivate of the state after the current input spike re...
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:84
override IEnumerable< Spike > AdvanceNeuronState(double newTime)
Advances the neuron's state to newTime
Definition: QifNeuron.cs:73