Spiking Neuron Network Simulator  1.0
Simulation and training of spiking neuron networks, primarily theta neurons
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1 namespace SpikingNeuronNetwork.Lib
2 {
3  using Interfaces;
4  using NeuronModels;
5  using System;
6  using System.Collections.Generic;
7  using System.Linq;
8  using Training;
13  public class SpikingNeuronNetwork
14  {
18  public int Id { get; set; }
23  public IList<int> NumNeuronsPerLayer { get; private set; }
28  public int NumInputs
29  {
30  get { return _weightMatrix.Cols - NumNeuronsPerLayer.Sum(); }
31  }
36  public bool IsLayered
37  {
38  get { return _isLayered; }
39  }
41  private Dictionary<int, SpikingNeuron> _neurons;
42  private const double Epsilon = 1e-10;
43  private readonly Matrix _weightMatrix; //Should supercede the connections in the neuron objects
44  private readonly Random _random = new Random();
45  private readonly bool _isLayered;
55  public SpikingNeuronNetwork(int numInputs, int numNeurons, Type neuronType, double weightIni = 1e6, Dictionary<string, string> neuronProperties = null)
56  {
57  // Create Network with Random Topology and Weights
58  NumNeuronsPerLayer = new List<int> {numNeurons};
59  _isLayered = numNeurons == 1;
60  _weightMatrix = weightIni > 100 ?
61  Matrix.RandomMatrix(numInputs + numNeurons, numInputs + numNeurons, 1.0, 0.5) :
62  Matrix.ConstantMatrix(numInputs + numNeurons, numInputs + numNeurons, weightIni);
64  // Selfloops are disallowed is there no synaptic delays
65  // an output spike could cause artificial recursion
66  for (var i = 0; i < _weightMatrix.Cols; i++)
67  {
68  _weightMatrix[i, i] = 0;
69  }
71  //Input neuron or neuron to input neuron connections are disallowed
72  for (var i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
73  for (var n = 0; n < _weightMatrix.Rows; n++)
74  _weightMatrix[n, i] = 0;
76  AssignNeurons(numInputs, numNeurons, neuronType, neuronProperties);
77  }
87  public SpikingNeuronNetwork(int numInputs, IList<int> numNeuronsPerLayer, Type neuronType, double weightIni = 1e6, Dictionary<string, string> neuronProperties = null)
88  {
89  NumNeuronsPerLayer = numNeuronsPerLayer;
90  // Create a layered weight matrix
91  var numNeurons = numNeuronsPerLayer.Sum();
92  var totalNeurons = numInputs + numNeurons;
93  _isLayered = true;
94  _weightMatrix = Matrix.ZeroMatrix(totalNeurons, totalNeurons);
96  const double probability = 0.5;
97  const int dispersion = 1;
98  // Input layer
99  for (var j = 0; j < numInputs; j++)
100  {
101  for (var k = numInputs; k < numInputs + numNeuronsPerLayer[0]; k++)
102  {
103  var newWeight = weightIni > 100 ? ((_random.NextDouble() <= probability) ? dispersion * 2 * (_random.NextDouble() - 0.5) : 0) : weightIni;
104  _weightMatrix[j, k] = newWeight;
105  }
106  }
107  // Hidden and output layers
108  for (var layer = 1; layer < numNeuronsPerLayer.Count; layer++)
109  {
110  for (var j = numInputs; j < numInputs + numNeuronsPerLayer.Take(layer).Sum(); j++)
111  {
112  for (var k = numInputs + numNeuronsPerLayer.Take(layer).Sum();
113  k < numInputs + numNeuronsPerLayer.Take(layer + 1).Sum();
114  k++)
115  {
116  var newWeight = weightIni > 100
117  ? ((_random.NextDouble() <= probability)
118  ? dispersion * 2 * (_random.NextDouble() - 0.5)
119  : 0)
120  : weightIni;
121  _weightMatrix[j, k] = newWeight;
122  }
123  }
124  }
126  // Selfloops are disallowed without synaptic delays because
127  // an output spike could cause artificial recursion
128  for (var i = 0; i < _weightMatrix.Cols; i++)
129  {
130  _weightMatrix[i, i] = 0;
131  }
133  //Input neuron or neuron to input neuron connections are disallowed
134  for (var i = 0; i < numInputs; i++)
135  for (var n = 0; n < _weightMatrix.Rows; n++)
136  _weightMatrix[n, i] = 0;
138  AssignNeurons(numInputs, numNeurons, neuronType, neuronProperties);
139  }
149  private SpikingNeuronNetwork(Random random, Matrix weightMatrix, bool isLayered, IList<int> numNeuronsPerLayer, Dictionary<int, SpikingNeuron> neurons)
150  {
151  _random = random;
152  _weightMatrix = weightMatrix;
153  _isLayered = isLayered;
154  _neurons = neurons;
155  NumNeuronsPerLayer = numNeuronsPerLayer;
156  }
163  {
164  var newNeurons = _neurons.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => (SpikingNeuron) kvp.Value.Clone());
165  var clonedNetwork = new SpikingNeuronNetwork(_random, _weightMatrix, _isLayered, NumNeuronsPerLayer, newNeurons);
166  foreach (var neuronIndices in newNeurons.Keys)
167  {
168  newNeurons[neuronIndices].NeuronNetwork = clonedNetwork;
169  }
170  return clonedNetwork;
171  }
178  public ISpikingNeuron GetStandAloneNeuron(int neuronIndex)
179  {
180  return _neurons[neuronIndex].Clone();
181  }
189  public List<double> CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
190  {
191  return _neurons[neuronFiringHistory.NeuronIndex].CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(neuronFiringHistory);
192  }
200  public List<double> CalculatePostSpikeDerivativeNumerical(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
201  {
202  return _neurons[neuronFiringHistory.NeuronIndex].CalculatePostSpikeDerivativesNumerical(neuronFiringHistory);
203  }
211  public Dictionary<Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters> CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
212  {
213  return _neurons[neuronFiringHistory.NeuronIndex].CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(neuronFiringHistory);
214  }
222  public Dictionary<Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters> CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivativesNumerical(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
223  {
224  return _neurons[neuronFiringHistory.NeuronIndex].CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivativesNumerical(neuronFiringHistory);
225  }
232  public Dictionary<int, NeuronFiringHistory> RunSpikingNeuronNetwork(List<Spike> inputSpikes)
233  {
234  // Create a priority queue of NextSpikeTimes for each Neuron
235  double currentTime = 0;
236  const double endTime = 500;
237  var neuronFiringHistories = new Dictionary<int, NeuronFiringHistory>();
238  var spikeQueue = new SpikePriorityQueue();
239  spikeQueue.AddRange(inputSpikes);
240  foreach (var neuron in _neurons)
241  {
242  spikeQueue.Add(new Spike { Time = neuron.Value.NextSpikeTime, NeuronIndex = neuron.Value.NeuronIndex});
243  }
245  // Repeat until steady-state or for a fixed time
246  while (currentTime < endTime && spikeQueue.Count > 0)
247  {
248  // Dequeue the next spike to process, eminating from Neuron A and add it to the outputspike List
249  var currentSpike = spikeQueue.Dequeue();
250  currentTime = currentSpike.Time;
252  // Update Neuron A's State and add a new NextSpikeTime to the queue for Neuron A
253  // but skip this step if A is an input neuron
254  if (currentSpike.NeuronIndex > NumInputs - 1)
255  {
256  if (neuronFiringHistories.ContainsKey(currentSpike.NeuronIndex))
257  {
258  neuronFiringHistories[currentSpike.NeuronIndex].OutputSpikes.Add(currentSpike);
259  }
260  else
261  {
262  neuronFiringHistories.Add(currentSpike.NeuronIndex, new NeuronFiringHistory
263  {
264  NeuronIndex = currentSpike.NeuronIndex,
265  OutputSpikes = new List<Spike> { currentSpike },
266  SpikeStats = new SortedSet<SpikeStats>()
267  });
268  }
269  _neurons[currentSpike.NeuronIndex].State.Time = currentSpike.Time;
270  _neurons[currentSpike.NeuronIndex].State.StateVariable = _neurons[currentSpike.NeuronIndex].PostSpikeState;
271  }
273  // Get the set of neurons connected to Neuron A's output (Neurons B)
274  var outputNeurons = GetNeuronsOutputNeurons(currentSpike.NeuronIndex);
276  // Foreach neuron in B, update the State and update the NextSpikeTime in the queue
277  foreach (var outputNeuron in outputNeurons)
278  {
279  var oldSpike = new Spike {Time = outputNeuron.NextSpikeTime, NeuronIndex = outputNeuron.NeuronIndex};
280  SpikeStats currentSpikeStats;
281  var outputSpikeList = outputNeuron.ProcessSpike(currentSpike, out currentSpikeStats);
282  if (neuronFiringHistories.ContainsKey(outputNeuron.NeuronIndex))
283  {
284  neuronFiringHistories[outputNeuron.NeuronIndex].OutputSpikes.AddRange(outputSpikeList);
285  neuronFiringHistories[outputNeuron.NeuronIndex].SpikeStats.Add(currentSpikeStats);
286  }
287  else
288  {
289  neuronFiringHistories.Add(outputNeuron.NeuronIndex, new NeuronFiringHistory
290  {
291  NeuronIndex = outputNeuron.NeuronIndex,
292  OutputSpikes = new List<Spike>(outputSpikeList),
293  SpikeStats = currentSpikeStats == null ? new SortedSet<SpikeStats>() : new SortedSet<SpikeStats> {currentSpikeStats}
294  });
295  }
297  // Find the outputNeuron in the spikeQueue and update the nextSpikeTime
298  spikeQueue.Update(oldSpike, outputNeuron.NextSpikeTime);
299  }
300  }
302  return neuronFiringHistories;
303  }
308  public void ResetNetwork()
309  {
310  foreach (var neuron in _neurons)
311  {
312  neuron.Value.ResetState();
313  }
314  }
321  public List<Synapse> GetNeuronsInputSynapses(int neuronIndex)
322  {
323  return _neurons[neuronIndex].Weights.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
324  }
331  public List<Synapse> GetNeuronsOutputSynapses(int neuronIndex)
332  {
333  var weights = _weightMatrix.GetRow(neuronIndex);
334  var outputNeuronIndices = weights.FindAllIndexOfNot(0);
335  return outputNeuronIndices
336  .Select(outputNeuronIndex => new Synapse(neuronIndex, outputNeuronIndex))
337  .ToList();
338  }
345  public List<int> GetNeuronIndicesByLayer(int layerIndex)
346  {
347  if (!IsLayered || layerIndex >= NumNeuronsPerLayer.Count)
348  {
349  return null;
350  }
351  var startIndex = NumInputs + NumNeuronsPerLayer.Where((x,i) => i < layerIndex).Sum();
352  return Enumerable.Range(startIndex, NumNeuronsPerLayer[layerIndex]).ToList();
353  }
359  public List<int> GetOutputLayerNeuronIndices()
360  {
361  return GetNeuronIndicesByLayer(NumNeuronsPerLayer.Count - 1);
362  }
369  internal double GetSynapticWeight(Synapse synapse)
370  {
371  if (synapse.InputNeuronIndex > _weightMatrix.Rows) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Synapse: " + synapse);
372  if (synapse.OutputNeuronIndex > _weightMatrix.Cols) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Synapse: " + synapse);
373  return _weightMatrix[synapse.InputNeuronIndex, synapse.OutputNeuronIndex];
374  }
381  internal Dictionary<Synapse, double> GetNeuronWeights(int neuronIndex)
382  {
383  if (neuronIndex > _weightMatrix.Cols) return null;
384  var weights = new Dictionary<Synapse, double>();
385  var col = _weightMatrix.GetCol(neuronIndex); // Want Column neuronIndex for connections TO neuron
386  for (var j = 0; j < col.Rows; j++)
387  {
388  if (Math.Abs(col[j, 0]) > Epsilon)
389  {
390  weights.Add(new Synapse(j, neuronIndex), col[j, 0]);
391  }
392  }
393  return weights;
394  }
401  internal void SetSynapticWeight(Synapse synapse, double newValue)
402  {
403  if (synapse.InputNeuronIndex > _weightMatrix.Rows || synapse.OutputNeuronIndex > _weightMatrix.Cols) return;
404  _weightMatrix[synapse.InputNeuronIndex, synapse.OutputNeuronIndex] = newValue;
405  }
412  internal List<SpikingNeuron> GetNeuronsOutputNeurons(int neuronIndex)
413  {
414  var weights = _weightMatrix.GetRow(neuronIndex);
415  var outputNeuronIndices = weights.FindAllIndexOfNot(0);
416  return outputNeuronIndices.Where(_neurons.ContainsKey)
417  .Select(x => _neurons[x])
418  .ToList();
419  }
428  private void AssignNeurons(int numInputs, int numNeurons, Type neuronType, Dictionary<string,string> neuronProperties = null)
429  {
430  _neurons = new Dictionary<int, SpikingNeuron>();
431  if (!typeof(ISpikingNeuron).IsAssignableFrom(neuronType))
432  {
433  throw new ArgumentException("Neuron type " + neuronType.Name + " must derive from ISpikingNeuron");
434  }
436  var neuronConstructor = neuronType.GetConstructor(new Type[] { });
437  if (neuronConstructor == null)
438  {
439  throw new ArgumentException("Neuron type " + neuronType.Name + " must implement an empty constructor");
440  }
441  foreach (var neuronIndex in Enumerable.Range(numInputs, numNeurons))
442  {
443  _neurons.Add(neuronIndex, (SpikingNeuron)neuronConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { }));
444  _neurons[neuronIndex].NeuronNetwork = this;
445  _neurons[neuronIndex].NeuronIndex = neuronIndex;
446  var typeProperties = neuronType.GetProperties();
447  foreach (var neuronProperty in neuronProperties ?? new Dictionary<string, string>())
448  {
449  var typeProperty = typeProperties.First(x => x.Name == neuronProperty.Key);
450  if (typeProperty == null || !typeProperty.CanWrite) continue;
451  var propType = typeProperty.PropertyType;
452  object castedValue;
453  if (propType.BaseType != null && propType.BaseType.Name == "Enum")
454  {
455  castedValue = Enum.Parse(propType, neuronProperty.Value);
456  }
457  else
458  {
459  castedValue = Convert.ChangeType(neuronProperty.Value, propType);
460  }
462  typeProperty.SetValue(_neurons[neuronIndex], castedValue);
463  }
464  _neurons[neuronIndex].ResetState();
465  }
466  }
467  }
468 }
SpikingNeuronNetwork(int numInputs, IList< int > numNeuronsPerLayer, Type neuronType, double weightIni=1e6, Dictionary< string, string > neuronProperties=null)
Creates a Spiking Neuron Network Object with a Layered Topology
List< double > CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Post Spike Derivatives for a specific neuron, that is the derivate of the state after the ...
void ResetNetwork()
Resets the network to its initial state
List< Synapse > GetNeuronsOutputSynapses(int neuronIndex)
Get a list of output synapses for a specific neuron
SpikingNeuronNetwork Clone()
Creates a deep copy of the spiking neuron network
SpikingNeuronNetwork(int numInputs, int numNeurons, Type neuronType, double weightIni=1e6, Dictionary< string, string > neuronProperties=null)
Creates a Spiking Neuron Network Object With Random Connectivity Topology
Spiking Neuron Abstract Class, Inherits From ISpikingNeuron
Dictionary< Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters > CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Output Spike Derivatives for a specific neuron, that is the derivate of the output spike t...
List< int > GetOutputLayerNeuronIndices()
Gets a list of output layer neuron indices
Spike Priority Queue used for determining what spike to process next based on spike timing ...
Dictionary< int, NeuronFiringHistory > RunSpikingNeuronNetwork(List< Spike > inputSpikes)
Runs the spiking neuron network, processing the effect of all input spikes
List< int > GetNeuronIndicesByLayer(int layerIndex)
Gets a list of neuron indices by layer
int InputNeuronIndex
Gets or sets the index of the input neuron.
Definition: Synapse.cs:14
The spike statistics class
Definition: SpikeStats.cs:9
ISpikingNeuron GetStandAloneNeuron(int neuronIndex)
Gets the stand alone neuron.
List< double > CalculatePostSpikeDerivativeNumerical(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Post Spike Derivatives numerically for a specific neuron, that is the derivate of the stat...
List< Synapse > GetNeuronsInputSynapses(int neuronIndex)
Get a list of input synapses for a specific neuron
Dictionary< Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters > CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivativesNumerical(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Output Spike Derivatives numerically for a specific neuron, that is the derivate of the ou...
int OutputNeuronIndex
Gets or sets the index of the output neuron.
Definition: Synapse.cs:22