Spiking Neuron Network Simulator  1.0
Simulation and training of spiking neuron networks, primarily theta neurons
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1 namespace SpikingNeuronNetwork.Lib.NeuronModels
2 {
3  using Interfaces;
4  using System;
5  using System.Collections.Generic;
6  using System.Linq;
7  using System.Text;
8  using Training;
13  public class ThetaNeuron : SpikingNeuron
14  {
18  public const double DefaultIo = -0.001;
23  public static double Alpha = 1;
28  public static double Offset = 0.0001;
33  public double Io { get; set; }
35  #region Readonly Properties
40  public override double PostSpikeState
41  {
42  get { return -Math.PI; }
43  }
48  public override double SpikeThreshold
49  {
50  get { return Math.PI; }
51  }
56  public override double InitialState
57  {
58  get { return (Io < 0) ? PositiveFixedPoint + Offset : 0; }
59  }
64  public override double RemainingTimeToSpike
65  {
66  get
67  {
68  if (Io > 0)
69  {
70  return (1 / Beta) * ((SpikeThreshold / 2) - Math.Atan(C1));
71  }
72  if (State.StateVariable > PositiveFixedPoint && State.StateVariable < SpikeThreshold)
73  {
74  return (1 / Beta) * Atanh(1 / C1);
75  }
76  return Double.PositiveInfinity;
77  }
78  }
83  public override OperatingRegion OperatingRegion
84  {
85  get
86  {
87  if (Io > 0)
88  {
89  return OperatingRegion.TonicSpiking;
90  }
91  if (State.StateVariable < PositiveFixedPoint && State.StateVariable > -PositiveFixedPoint)
92  {
93  return OperatingRegion.Quiescent;
94  }
95  if (State.StateVariable >= PositiveFixedPoint)
96  {
97  return OperatingRegion.SpikeGeneration;
98  }
99  return OperatingRegion.Refractory;
100  }
101  }
106  public override double MaxNumericalIntegrationIterations
107  {
108  get
109  {
110  double simulationLimit;
111  // Integrate long enough to include effects of all input spikes
112  if (SpikeQueue.Count > 0)
113  {
114  simulationLimit = (SpikeQueue.Last().Time + 1.5*(Io < 0 ? BaselineFiringTime : RemainingTimeToSpike));
115  }
116  else
117  {
118  simulationLimit = 1.1*BaselineFiringTime;
119  }
120  return simulationLimit;
121  }
122  }
127  public double Period
128  {
129  get { return Io > 0 ? SpikeThreshold/Beta : Double.NaN; }
130  }
135  public double Beta
136  {
137  get { return Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(Alpha*Io)); }
138  }
143  public double PositiveFixedPoint
144  {
145  get { return (Io < 0) ? Math.Acos((1 + Alpha*Io)/(1 - Alpha*Io)) : Double.NaN; }
146  }
151  public double BaselineFiringTime
152  {
153  get { return (1/Beta)*Atanh(Beta/Math.Tan((InitialState)/2)); }
154  }
159  private double C1
160  {
161  get { return Math.Tan(State.StateVariable/2)/Beta; }
162  }
164  #endregion
171  private static double Atanh(double x)
172  {
173  return (0.5 * Math.Log((1.0 + x) / (1.0 - x)));
174  }
179  public ThetaNeuron()
180  : this(0)
181  {
182  }
190  public ThetaNeuron(SpikingNeuronNetwork network, int neuronIndex, double newIo = DefaultIo)
191  : base(network, neuronIndex)
192  {
193  Io = newIo;
194  ResetState();
195  }
202  public ThetaNeuron(IReadOnlyList<double> weights, double newIo = DefaultIo)
203  : base(weights)
204  {
205  Io = newIo;
206  ResetState();
207  }
215  public ThetaNeuron(int numInputs = 3, double weightIni = 1e6, double newIo = DefaultIo)
216  : base(numInputs, weightIni)
217  {
218  Io = newIo;
219  ResetState();
220  }
227  public override double StateDerivative(double phase)
228  {
229  return ((1 - Math.Cos(phase)) + Alpha*Io*(1 + Math.Cos(phase)));
230  }
236  public override ISpikingNeuron Clone()
237  {
238  return new ThetaNeuron(Weights.Select(x => x.Value).ToList())
239  {
240  NeuronIndex = NeuronIndex,
241  NeuronNetwork = null,
242  State = State,
243  Method = Method,
244  Io = Io,
245  Verbose = Verbose,
246  };
247  }
252  public override string ToString()
253  {
254  var neuronStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
255  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\nNeuron Properties: ");
256  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tBeta: " + String.Format("{0:0.0000}", Beta));
257  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tIo: " + Io);
258  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tPositive Fixed Point: " + String.Format("{0:0.0000}", PositiveFixedPoint));
259  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tPhase: " + String.Format("{0:0.0000}", State.StateVariable));
260  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tTime: " + String.Format("{0:0.0000}", State.Time));
261  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tNumber of Inputs: " + NumInputs);
262  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine("\tWeights: ");
263  neuronStringBuilder.Append("\t\t");
264  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine(GetWeightsString(Weights));
265  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine();
266  neuronStringBuilder.AppendLine();
267  return neuronStringBuilder.ToString();
268  }
277  public override List<Spike> RunThetaNeuron(List<Spike> inputSpikes, int maxNumOutputSpikes = MaxNumOutputSpikes)
278  {
279  SpikeQueue = SpikePriorityQueue.CreateSpikeQueue(inputSpikes, State.Time);
280  var outputSpikes = new List<Spike>();
281  if (SpikeQueue.Count == 0)
282  {
283  return outputSpikes;
284  }
286  if (Verbose)
287  {
288  Console.WriteLine("Input Spike Times: ");
289  Console.Write(SpikeSet.GetSpikeTimesString(inputSpikes));
290  Console.WriteLine("Baseline Firing Time: " + BaselineFiringTime);
291  Console.WriteLine("Simulation Method: " + Method);
292  Console.WriteLine();
293  }
295  switch (Method)
296  {
297  case SimulationMethod.EventDriven:
298  {
299  while (SpikeQueue.Count > 0)
300  {
301  SpikeStats spikeStats;
302  var newOutputSpikeTimes = ProcessSpike(SpikeQueue.Dequeue(), out spikeStats);
303  if (newOutputSpikeTimes != null)
304  {
305  outputSpikes.AddRange(newOutputSpikeTimes);
306  }
308  if (outputSpikes.Count>=maxNumOutputSpikes)
309  {
310  return outputSpikes;
311  }
312  }
314  //Calculate thm later to save time, unless needed to spike checking
316  //If Io<0 and phase is between the positive fixed point and pi, calculate the final ts
317  //with or without previous input spikes
318  // If Io>0, produce an addition output spike if an input spike has occured since the
319  // last output spike or if no output spikes have been produced yet
320  if ((Io < 0 && State.StateVariable > PositiveFixedPoint) || (Io > 0 && (outputSpikes.Count == 0 || State.Time > outputSpikes.Last().Time)))
321  {
322  outputSpikes.Add(new Spike { NeuronIndex = NeuronIndex, Time = NextSpikeTime });
323  if (Verbose)
324  {
325  Console.WriteLine("---> " + outputSpikes.Last());
326  }
327  }
328  }
329  break;
331  case SimulationMethod.Numerical:
332  {
333  outputSpikes = RunThetaNeuronNumerically(maxNumOutputSpikes);
334  }
335  break;
336  }
338  if (Verbose)
339  {
340  Console.WriteLine();
341  }
343  return outputSpikes;
344  }
352  public override List<double> CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
353  {
354  var postSpikeDerivativeProducts = new List<double>();
355  SpikeStats previousSpikeStat = null;
356  foreach (var spikeStat in neuronFiringHistory.SpikeStats)
357  {
358  if (previousSpikeStat == null)
359  {
360  previousSpikeStat = spikeStat;
361  continue;
362  }
364  postSpikeDerivativeProducts.Add(((1 + Math.Cos(spikeStat.PostSpikeState.StateVariable)) *
365  (Math.Pow(Math.Tan(spikeStat.PreSpikeState.StateVariable / 2), 2) + Alpha * Io)) /
366  StateDerivative(previousSpikeStat.PostSpikeState.StateVariable));
367  previousSpikeStat = spikeStat;
368  }
370  return postSpikeDerivativeProducts;
371  }
379  public override Dictionary<Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters> CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
380  {
381  var nHatPostSpikeState = Double.NaN;
382  var nHatPreSpikeState = Double.NaN;
383  var nHatWeight = Double.NaN;
384  var spikesProcessed = 0;
385  var inputSynapses = Weights.Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
387  var outputSpikeTimeDerivatives = inputSynapses.ToDictionary(synapse => synapse, synapse => new NeuronDerivativeParameters
388  {
389  OutputSpikeTimeToInputSpikeTimeDerivative = 0, OutputSpikeTimeToWeightDerivative = 0
390  });
392  if (neuronFiringHistory.OutputSpikes.Count == 0)
393  {
394  return outputSpikeTimeDerivatives;
395  }
397  var actualFiringTime = neuronFiringHistory.OutputSpikes.First().Time;
398  foreach (var spikeStat in neuronFiringHistory.SpikeStats.TakeWhile(spikeStat => spikeStat.PreSpikeState.Time < actualFiringTime))
399  {
400  nHatPreSpikeState = spikeStat.PreSpikeState.StateVariable;
401  nHatPostSpikeState = spikeStat.PostSpikeState.StateVariable;
402  nHatWeight = spikeStat.Weight;
403  spikesProcessed++;
404  }
405  var nHat = spikesProcessed - 1;
407  // No input spikes occur before the output spike, so little adjustments to weights will have no effect
408  if (spikesProcessed == 0)
409  {
410  return outputSpikeTimeDerivatives;
411  }
413  // Simple Version when there is only one input spike
414  if (neuronFiringHistory.SpikeStats.Count == 1)
415  {
416  var temp = (Math.Pow(Math.Tan(nHatPreSpikeState / 2), 2) + Alpha * Io);
417  outputSpikeTimeDerivatives[neuronFiringHistory.SpikeStats.First().Synapse] =
419  {
420  OutputSpikeTimeToInputSpikeTimeDerivative = temp / (temp + Math.Pow(Alpha * nHatWeight, 2) + 2 * Alpha * nHatWeight + Math.Tan(nHatPreSpikeState / 2)),
421  OutputSpikeTimeToWeightDerivative = -Alpha / (Math.Pow(Math.Tan(nHatPostSpikeState / 2), 2) + Alpha * Io)
422  };
423  return outputSpikeTimeDerivatives;
424  }
426  // Multi-Synapse Version
427  var nHatPostSpikeStateDerivative = StateDerivative(nHatPostSpikeState);
428  var postSpikeDerivativeProducts = CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(neuronFiringHistory);
429  var n = 0;
430  foreach (var spikeStat in neuronFiringHistory.SpikeStats)
431  {
432  var prod = 1.0;
433  for (var j = n; j < nHat; j++)
434  {
435  prod *= postSpikeDerivativeProducts[j];
436  }
437  var gamma = -spikeStat.Weight * (Alpha * spikeStat.Weight + 2 * Math.Tan(spikeStat.PreSpikeState.StateVariable / 2));
438  var weightDerivative = ((-Alpha * (1 + Math.Cos(spikeStat.PostSpikeState.StateVariable))) / nHatPostSpikeStateDerivative) * prod;
439  outputSpikeTimeDerivatives[spikeStat.Synapse]=
441  {
442  OutputSpikeTimeToWeightDerivative = weightDerivative,
443  OutputSpikeTimeToInputSpikeTimeDerivative = gamma * weightDerivative
444  };
445  n++;
446  }
448  return outputSpikeTimeDerivatives;
449  }
456  public override IEnumerable<Spike> UpdateStateVariableOnSpike(double weight)
457  {
458  // The following will approach pi, but never exceed it as Phase->pi and weight->Inf
459  // So in effect, output spikes can never directly result from an input spike
460  State.StateVariable = 2 * Math.Atan(Alpha * weight + Math.Tan(State.StateVariable / 2));
462  // Shortcut method that is slightly more effecient, but combines with AdvanceNeuronState as well
463  //State.Phase = 2 * Math.Atan(Alpha * spikeStats.Weight + c2);
465  return new List<Spike>();
466  }
473  public override IEnumerable<Spike> AdvanceNeuronState(double newTime)
474  {
475  var outputSpikeTimes = new List<Spike>();
476  var deltaTime = newTime - State.Time;
477  var initialState = State;
478  var c2 = GetC2(deltaTime);
480  // Check for firing on trajectory; If Io>=0, we have to check the elapsed time between input spikes
481  // and compare that to the unforced output spike frequency.
482  if (Io > 0)
483  {
484  var thm = 2 * Math.Atan(c2);
485  if (thm < initialState.StateVariable || deltaTime > Period)
486  {
487  outputSpikeTimes.Add(new Spike {NeuronIndex = NeuronIndex , Time = NextSpikeTime});
488  // Check for case where phase completes multiple
489  // revolutions around phase circle between input spikes
490  if (deltaTime > Period)
491  {
492  var revCount = Math.Floor(deltaTime/Period);
493  for (var k = 2; k < revCount; k++)
494  {
495  outputSpikeTimes.Add(new Spike { NeuronIndex = NeuronIndex, Time = outputSpikeTimes.Last().Time + Period });
496  }
497  if (outputSpikeTimes.Last().Time + Period < newTime)
498  {
499  outputSpikeTimes.Add(new Spike { NeuronIndex = NeuronIndex, Time = outputSpikeTimes.Last().Time + Period });
500  }
501  }
502  }
503  State.StateVariable = thm;
504  }
505  // Check for firing on trajectory; If Io<0 the previous thp must be
506  // between the positive fixed point and pi and thm must be between
507  // -pi and the negative fixed point in order for the neuron to have
508  // fired on trajectory, regardless of the weight.
509  else
510  {
511  if (RemainingTimeToSpike < deltaTime)
512  {
513  outputSpikeTimes.Add(new Spike { NeuronIndex = NeuronIndex, Time = NextSpikeTime });
514  }
515  State.StateVariable = 2*Math.Atan(c2);
517  if (outputSpikeTimes.Count > 0)
518  {
519  State.StateVariable = PostSpikeState;
520  }
521  }
523  State.Time = newTime;
524  return outputSpikeTimes;
525  }
532  private double GetC2(double deltaTime)
533  {
534  if (Io < 0)
535  {
536  return Beta * (C1 + Math.Tanh(-Beta * deltaTime)) / (1 + C1 * Math.Tanh(-Beta * deltaTime));
537  }
538  return Beta * (C1 + Math.Tan(Beta * deltaTime)) / (1 - C1 * Math.Tan(Beta * deltaTime));
539  }
540  }
541 }
Operating Region Enum
override string ToString()
The Neuron Properties As A String
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:252
override List< double > CalculatePostSpikeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Post Spike Derivatives, that is the derivate of the state after the current input spike re...
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:352
Spiking Neuron Abstract Class, Inherits From ISpikingNeuron
Creates a new instance of ThetaNeuron with no inputs
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:179
override Dictionary< Synapse, NeuronDerivativeParameters > CalculateOutputSpikeTimeDerivatives(NeuronFiringHistory neuronFiringHistory)
Calculates Output Spike Derivatives, that is the derivate of the output spike time relative to both t...
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:379
override IEnumerable< Spike > AdvanceNeuronState(double newTime)
Advances the neuron's state to newTime
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:473
ThetaNeuron(int numInputs=3, double weightIni=1e6, double newIo=DefaultIo)
Creates a new instance of ThetaNeuron with a given number of inputs and an initial weight and baselin...
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:215
List< Spike > OutputSpikes
Gets or sets a list of output spikes produced during this neuron firing history
ThetaNeuron(SpikingNeuronNetwork network, int neuronIndex, double newIo=DefaultIo)
Creates a new instance of ThetaNeuron an associates it to a network
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:190
override List< Spike > RunThetaNeuron(List< Spike > inputSpikes, int maxNumOutputSpikes=MaxNumOutputSpikes)
Runs the theta neuron, advancing the state and producing up to maxNumOutputSpikes output spikes in re...
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:277
The spike statistics class
Definition: SpikeStats.cs:9
override ISpikingNeuron Clone()
Clones a neuron by removing network association
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:236
override double StateDerivative(double phase)
Computes the derivative of the state relative to time
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:227
ThetaNeuron(IReadOnlyList< double > weights, double newIo=DefaultIo)
Creates a new instance of ThetaNeuron with given weights
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:202
override IEnumerable< Spike > UpdateStateVariableOnSpike(double weight)
Updates the neuron's state variable (phase), given a spike is currently being received on a synapse w...
Definition: ThetaNeuron.cs:456