Sam McKennoch
Seattle, WA

(206) 465-5269
skennoch at

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Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Sam McKennoch, Thomas Voegtlin, Linda G. Bushnell, "Spike-Timing Error BackProp in Non-Linear Neuron Networks," Neural Computation, January 2009. (Draft PDF)
  2. Thomas Voegtlin and Sam McKennoch, "Intrinsic neural response properties are sufficient to achieve time-coding," Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 2009 abstract, Berlin.
  3. Sam McKennoch, "On Leveraging The Dynamical Properties of Non-Linear Spiking Neurons," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Defended December 2007. (PDF)
  4. Sam McKennoch, Preethi Sundaradevan and Linda G. Bushnell, "Theta Neuron Networks: Robustness to Noise in Embedded Applications," IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN): Orlando, FL, August 2007. (PDF)
  5. Sam McKennoch, Dingding Liu and Linda G. Bushnell, "Fast Modifications of the SpikeProp Algorithm," IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI): Vancouver, BC, July 2006. (PDF)
  6. Sam McKennoch, "Dynamics of Convergence to a Symbol Anchoring Consensus in Distributed Agents," Doctoral General Exam, University of Washington, 2005.
  7. Sam McKennoch, Sean Hoyt and Linda G. Bushnell, "A Study of Group Size and Communication in an Evolving Fuzzy-Controlled Population," Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems: Budapest, July 2004. (PDF)
  8. Sam McKennoch, J.M. McNew and Linda G. Bushnell, "A Biologically-Inspired Platform for the Evolution of Communication in Multi-Agent Systems," Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC): Houston, TX, October 2003. (PDF)
  9. Contributor to H. Baltes, G. K. Fedder, J. G. Korvink, Ed., Sensors Update, Vol. 10, New York: VCH, Sec 1.4, 2002, p77-105.
  10. Sam McKennoch, "Auto-Zeroing Baseline Compensation for Chemical Sensor Signal Extraction," M.S. Thesis, University of Washington, 2002. (PDF)
  11. Sean Hoyt, Sam McKennoch, and Denise M. Wilson, "Transient Response Chemical Discrimination Module", Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2002 Conference: Orlando, FL, 2002. (PDF)
  12. Sam McKennoch and Denise Wilson, "Electronic Interface Modules for Solid-State Chemical Sensors", Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2002 Conference: Orlando, FL, 2002. (PDF)
  13. Sam McKennoch and Denise M. Wilson, "Autoranging Compensation for Variable Baseline Chemical Sensors", Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Environmental and Industrial Sensing: Boston, MA, 2001. (PDF)
  14. Denise M. Wilson and Sam McKennoch, "Optimization of Composite Polymer Gas Sensor Arrays for Single-Analyte Multiple-Interferent Applications," Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Environmental and Industrial Sensing: Boston, MA, 2001.

Other Publications

  1. Sam McKennoch and Linda G. Bushnell, "Dynamics of Convergence to a Symbol Anchoring Consensus in Distributed Agents," UWEETR-2005-0006. (PDF)
  2. Sean Hoyt, Sam McKennoch, and Linda G. Bushnell, "An Autonomous Multi-Agent Testbed using Infrared Wireless Communication and Localization," UWEETR-2005-0005.